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Immutable Design
In the stillness of dusk, shadows elongate,
Whispers of time echo, as the world rotates,
Whatsoever God ordains, remains,
An echo in the void, a whisper in the dark.

Through the labyrinth of existence,
Where human hands toil in the dust,
The eternal Hand moves unseen,
A silent architect of time and space.

No measure can extend His decree,
No mortal can diminish His craft,
In the fleeting breath of dawn,
In the twilight’s fading light.

In the corridors of the mundane,
Where footsteps fade, and voices dim,
The eternal remains,
Immutable, unchangeable.

And in our striving, our reaching,
We touch but the hem of His garment,
The fear of God, a quiet reverence,
In the chambers of the heart.

For what He does, endures,
In the silence of the centuries,
In the murmur of the ages,
An everlasting testament,
To the eternal craft.
Artwork by Rolleen using MidJourney and Photoshop
Music created by Rolleen using Suno 3.

A poem inspired by John 11:35, the shortest verse in the Bible. "Jesus Wept."
In the silence of an ancient town,
Where shadows fall and whispers drown,
Among the tombs, where sorrows weave,
He stood and wept; the heart deceives.

A moment's pause in the endless flow,
Of time and tears where mourners go,
The world, it seemed, in stillness bound,
As silent drops fell to the ground.

Here, the Word made flesh and frail,
In grief's embrace, He did prevail,
A broken heart, a mournful sigh,
In mortal tears, the divine cry.

The tombstone cold, the air so thin,
A world of sorrow, death, and sin,
Yet in those tears, a hope was born,
Of life renewed, of darkness torn.

For in His weeping, love did speak,
A strength profound, in seeming weak,
The tears of God, the healing rain,
To cleanse the heart of every pain.
Music by Rolleen using Suno 3.
Art by Rolleen using MidJourney, Photoshop, and Pika.

Inspired by John 3:16
In a world of shadows, deep and wide,
A love was given, to abide—
Not just for some, but for all kin,
A gift that saves from death and sin.

The path we tread, both rough and fair,
With burdens heavy, joys so rare—
Yet in the midst of toil and strife,
A beacon bright: eternal life.

For God so loved, the story's told,
He gave His Son, a gift untold—
That whosoever in Him believes,
From darkest night, the soul retrieves.

Among the woods, where whispers speak,
Of human hearts, both strong and weak—
We find our way, by faith's pure light,
Through forest dark, to morning bright.

This love endures, through frost and flame,
In every heart, it calls by name—
For whosoever walks this earth,
Is cherished, known, and given worth.

So let us walk, with purpose true,
With faith that every day renews—
For in His love, we find our way,
From night’s despair to dawn's new day.
Art by Rolleen using MidJourney and Photoshop and Pika.
Music by Rolleen using Suno 3

Music inspired by Genesis 1:1
In the beginning, spoke the Word,
From void to vast expanse,
The cosmos sprung, the heavens stirred,
In divinely choreographed dance.

Light pierced the formless, dark abyss,
As earth took shape below,
With every dawn, creation's kiss,
In celestial winds did blow.

Mountains rose and valleys dipped,
Seas spread their arms wide,
With verdant fields and forests tipped,
By nature's laws, abide.

Stars ignited, constellations,
Marked the skies with grace,
The universe, in exaltation,
Sang of time and space.

The hand of God in every leaf,
In every breeze and brook,
In mountain’s height, in ocean’s reef,
His artistry we look.

All life emerged, by breath divine,
In Eden’s fertile ground,
The world, a tapestry, design,
Where Heaven’s truths are found.

So in each dawn, we witness still,
The echo of that voice,
Creation’s hymn, our hearts to fill,
In reverent, joyful choice.
Music created by Rolleen using Suno 3.
Art created by Rolleen using MidJourney and Photoshop.

Music inspired by John 1:1
In primal dawn, before the time,
The Word with God did dwell,
A spark divine, a force sublime,
In whispers none could quell.

The Word was light, in darkness streamed,
A beacon ever bright,
In ancient days, the cosmos dreamed,
And birthed the morning's light.

Through valleys deep and mountains high,
Its echo filled the air,
In every leaf, in every sigh,
The Word was present there.

With power vast, creation sang,
The stars in chorus rang,
The seas and skies, their voices sprang,
And all of nature's clang.

The Word made flesh, in human guise,
Among us, it did walk,
In humble form, before our eyes,
In deeds and in the talk.

This living Word, both God and man,
A bridge from earth to sky,
Through it, we glimpse the Master’s plan,
And understand the why.

In every heart, the Word still speaks,
A truth that never fades,
In whispers soft, in mountain peaks,
In sunlight and in shades.

So let us heed this timeless call,
And see with inner sight,
The Word within, embracing all,
In Love's eternal light.
Music created by Rolleen using Suno 3.
Artwork created by Rolleen using MidJourney and Photoshop.

A Poem reflecting Romans 8:28

Beneath the sky of trial’s night,
The stars of purpose gleam—
For those who trust in Love’s pure might,
All works toward the Dream.

A tapestry of joy and pain,
With grace, the needle guides—
What seems a loss, what feels like rain,
In truth, a gift provides.

So rest within this sacred truth,
Though storms around us sway—
In every woe, in every ruth,
God’s purpose finds its way.
- Rolleen/ChatGPT4o

Trumpet, piano, and drums Dixieland upbeat song. Original music created by Rolleen using Suno.

Music created by Rolleen using Suno 3.

Accoustic mellow rock song created by Rolleen using Suno 3.

Melodic Cumbia Original Music created by Rolleen using Suno 3.

Original music created by Rolleen using Suno 3. #music #instrumental #electronicmusic #dance #rumba

Nostalic Synthwave Music created by Rolleen using Suno 3.

Ragtime playful energetic music created by Rolleen using Suno 3.

Music created by Rolleen using Suno 3.

Music created by Rolleen using Suno 3. #music #christian #newtestament

Music created by Rolleen using Suno 3. #music #christian #newtestament

Music created by Rolleen using Suno 3. #music #christian #newtestament

Music created by Rolleen using Suno 3. #music #christian #newtestament

Music created by Rolleen using Suno 3. #music #christian #newtestament

Music created by Rolleen using Suno 3. #music #christian #newtestament

Music created by Rolleen using Suno 3. #music #christian #newtestament

Music created by Rolleen using Suno 3. #music #christian #newtestament

Music created by Rolleen using Suno 3. #music #christian #jewish #oldtestament #amos

Music created by Rolleen using Suno 3. #music #christian #jewish #oldtestament #habakkuk


Created 3 years, 6 months ago.

312 videos

Category Arts & Literature

I am a 77 year old woman who loves to paint, take photos, and use my computer skills to create art from my photos. This site will show slideshows of some of my art. You can find more at my website: and
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